陈福生,长期以来围绕食品中有益微生物应用、有害微生物控制 及其分子生物学基础开展研究,已经形成了食品安全、传统发酵食品与食品微生物分子生物学等三个稳定的研究方向。在食品安全方向,根据我国的食品安全现状和特点,将现代免疫学技术和分子生物学技术引入食品安全检测中;在传统发酵食品方向,围绕固态发酵食醋与红曲等我国传统、特色的发酵食品开展研究;在食品微生物分子生物学方向,系统开展了红曲菌(Monascus spp.)基因组、次生代谢产物基因簇与代谢途径及其分子调控机理等研究。主持参与了包括863计划、国家支撑计划、国家自然科学基金、教育部新世纪人才计划等项目在内科研项目几十项。 兼任中国微生物学会微生物毒素专业委员会副主任、中国微生物学会酿造分会副秘书长、中国国家农产品质量安全风险评估专家委员会专家、《中国酿造》杂志编委等。政协武汉市第十一届、十二届委员。曾任捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏下载 副院长。近年来,主持的主要科研项目包括: (1) 红曲菌产色素基因簇的克隆、功能分析与调控表达,国家自然科学基金,No.31171649,2011-2016. (2)红曲菌G-蛋白信号传导基因克隆及其功能研究,863计划,2006AA10Z1A3,2006-2010. (3)红曲菌产色素相关基因的克隆及其功能研究,教育部,NCET-05-0667,2005.1-2008.12 (4)猕猴桃酒品质分析、改良与副产物的综合利用,湖北省科技厅,2010 (5)食品中常见真菌毒素联合快速检测技术研究及其产业化,湖北省科技厅,2006AA201B11,2006.1-2008.12 完成成果鉴定10余项,申请发明专利20余项,获得发明专利与新型实用专利各1项,获湖北省科学进步三等奖(2007J-259-3-172-003)1项。 著作教材 (1)食品发酵设备与工艺(化学工业出版社,2011,主编,“十一五”国家规划教材) (2)食品安全实验(化学工业出版社,2010,主编,“十一五”国家规划教材) (3)食品安全风险评估(中国农业大学出版社,2010,副主编) (4)Vinegars of the World(Springer,2008,参编) (5)食品安全与现代生物技术(化学工业出版社,2004,主编) 指导博士后3人,已培养博士研究生5人,硕士研究生30余人;在读博士研究生6人,硕士研究生24人。
1. 缩短红曲菌高产Monacolin K发酵时间的预实验 2018.11 2. 缩短红曲菌高产Monacolin K发酵时间的预实验-1 2018.11 3. 红曲菌高产Monacolin K工艺优化研究 2018.10 4. 传统发酵食品制造关键技术与装备开发 2018.07 5. 产棕色素醋酸菌生产蜜柑调味醋关键技术研究 2018.03 6. 产棕色素醋酸菌生产蜜柑调味醋关键技术研究01 2018.03 7. 31730068红曲色素发酵产生过程中光磁耦合调控其生物合成的分子机理研究 2018.01 8. 中国与捷克科技合作委员会第42届例会交流项目——基于欧盟标准的红曲产品安全与功能性评价的合作研究项目 2017.09 9. 红曲产品中桔霉素高灵敏度检测方法研发及桔霉素合成基因(簇)分析与菌株筛选 2016.11 10. 红曲品质控制及其相关产品研发 2016.07 11. 红色红曲菌桔霉素合成途径的分子解析 2015.09 12. 红曲色素高产菌株的构建与安全性分析 2015.01 13. 高产酸醋酸菌产酸及其遗传稳定性机制的国际合作研究 2015.01 14. 红曲色素高产菌株的构建与安全性分析 2015.01 15. 应用现代生物技术提升中国谷物醋品质与产率的合作研究 2014.01 16. 红曲菌发酵茯苓提高其利用效率的国际合作研究 2014.01 17. 食品生物技术与安全 2014.01 18. 基于红曲菌基因组揭示光影响红曲色素发酵的分子机理 2014.01 19. 红曲菌产色素基因簇的克隆、功能分析与调控表达 2012.01 20. 黄曲霉毒素快速检测研究 2012.01 21. 果蔬中主要农药残留快速检测技术的研究与推广 2011.05 22. 黄曲霉毒素检测科研合作 2011.01 23. 黄曲霉毒素快速检测研究 2011.01 24. 食品中常见致病菌联合快速检测技术研究 2005.01 25. 湖北省淡水水产品中常见食源性病原微生物的分子分型以及快速检测与控制技术研究
代表性论文 1.Aromatic components produced by non-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae derived from natural fermentation of grape NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH2015.09 2. Construction of car1 Deletion Mutant from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Evaluation of Its Fermentation Ability FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY2015.09 3. Effects of glycerol on pigments and monacolin K production by the high-monacolin K-producing but citrinin-free strain, Monascus pilosus MS-1EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 2015.04 4. Genotypic Analyses and Virulence Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates from Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY 2015.04 5. Overview on mechanisms of acetic acid resistance in acetic acid bacteria WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY2015.03 6. Overview on mechanisms of acetic acid resistance in acetic acid bacteria World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, v 31, n 2, p 255-263, 2015 2015.01 7. Construction of car1 Deletion Mutant from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Evaluation of Its Fermentation Ability Food Biotechnology, v 29, n 3, p 237-247, July 3, 2015 2015.01 8. Development of Double Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification to Detect Listeria monocytogenes in Food CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY2014.11 9. Monacolin K production by citrinin-free Monascus pilosus MS-1 and fermentation process monitoring ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES2014.10 10. Production and optimization of monacolin K by citrinin-free Monascus pilosus MS-1 in solid-state fermentation using non-glutinous rice and soybean flours as substrate EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 2014.10 11. Efficient gene targeting in ligase IV-deficient Monascus ruber M7 by perturbing the non-homologous end joining pathway FUNGAL BIOLOGY2014.10 12. Insights into Monascus biology at the genetic level APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2014.05 13. Cloning and functional analysis of the G beta gene Mgb1 and the G gamma gene Mgg1 in Monascus ruber JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY2014.01 14. MpigE, a gene involved in pigment biosynthesis in Monascus ruber M7 APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2014.01 15. Effects of soup on the main compositions, texture and odour of grey sufu during ripening process Modern Food Science and Technology2014.01 16. Comparison of volatile compounds in traditional and commercial Pixian broad-bean sauce by HS-SPME-GC-MS and electronic nose Modern Food Science and Technology 2014.01 17. Monacolin K production by citrinin-free Monascus pilosus MS-1 and fermentation process monitoring Engineering in Life Sciences2014.01 18. Production and optimization of monacolin K by citrinin-free Monascus pilosus MS-1 in solid-state fermentation using non-glutinous rice and soybean flours as substrate European Food Research and Technology 2014.01 19. Effects of glycerol on pigments and monacolin K production by the high-monacolin K-producing but citrinin-free strain, Monascus pilosus MS-1European Food Research and Technology 2014.01 20. Monacolin K production by citrinin-free Monascus pilosus MS-1 and fermentation process monitoring Engineering in Life Sciences, v 14, n 5, p 538-545, September 1, 2014 2014.01 21. Deletion of pigR gene in Monascus ruber leads to loss of pigment production BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS 2013.07 22. Evolution of complete proteomes: guanine-cytosine pressure, phylogeny and environmental influences blend the proteomic architecture BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 2013.01 23. MpigE, a gene involved in pigment biosynthesis in Monascus ruber M7 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2013.01 24. Deletion of pigR gene in Monascus ruber leads to loss of pigment production Biotechnology Letters 2013.01 25. Monascus pigments Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012.01 26. Pigment from red fermented rice as colouring agent for stirred skimmed milk yoghurts INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY2012.01 27. Phylogenomic Relationships between Amylolytic Enzymes from 85 Strains of Fungi PLOS ONE 2012.01 28. Genomic characteristics comparisons of 12 food-related filamentous fungi in tRNA gene set, codon usage and amino acid composition GENE2012.01 29. Monascus pigments APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2012.01 30. Biodiversity of yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria in the fermentation of "Shanxi aged vinegar", a traditional Chinese vinegarFOOD MICROBIOLOGY 2012.01 31. Culture-dependent and culture-independent analysis of lactic acid bacteria from Shanxi aged vinegar ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY2012.01 32. Development of multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification-RFLP (mLAMP-RFLP) to detect Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. in milkINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 2011.01 33. Evaluation of latex agglutination inhibition reaction test for rapid detection of aflatoxin B-1 FOOD CONTROL 2011.01 34. X-ray absorption fine structure of artificial antigens for cadmium SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 2011.01 35. Effects of cyclic AMP on development and secondary metabolites of Monascus ruber M-7 LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 2011.01 36. Genetic diversity analysis of Monascus strains using SRAP and ISSR markers MYCOSCIENCE 2011.01 37. X-ray absorption fine structure of artificial antigens for cadmium Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2011.01 38. Preparation of bioactive water-soluble pachyman hydrolyzed from sclerotial polysaccharides of Poria cocos by hydrolase Polymer Journal2010.01 39. Preparation of dichlorvos-protein complete antigen by Mannich-type reaction Journal of Molecular Structure 2010.01 40. Identification of Mga1, a G-protein alpha-subunit gene involved in regulating citrinin and pigment production in Monascus ruber M7 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS 2010.01 41. Preparation of dichlorvos-protein complete antigen by Mannich-type reaction JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 2010.01 42. Preparation of bioactive water-soluble pachyman hydrolyzed from sclerotial polysaccharides of Poria cocos by hydrolase POLYMER JOURNAL2010.01 43. Diversity of Acetobacter pasteurianus Strains Isolated From Solid-State Fermentation of Cereal Vinegars Curr Microbiol 2010.01
招收研究生专业 1. 食品生物技术 2. 食品加工与安全 3. 食品科学 4. 微生物学 5. 食品营养与安全
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