熊汉国,现任华中农业大学农林生物基材料综合利用研究所所长。湖北省自主创新“双百计划”岗位特聘人选。湖北省创新创业优秀人才,湖北省优秀科技特派员。湖北省产学研促进会常务理事,中国农学会农产品贮藏加工分会理事,中国林学会生物质材料分会委员,中国淀粉协会变性淀粉分会委员等。湖北省三区人才、湖北省科技特派员。是Food Chemistry、Journal of Cereal Science 等多种SCI刊源的长期审稿人。第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文发表40篇以上,单篇IF3.0论文25篇以上,IF大于5.0 的10篇以上;获授权发明专利10项以上;主持科研项目经费400万元以上,主持科研项目累计到帐经费300万元以上(15个项目左右).获省部级科技进步三等奖3项,武汉市科技进步奖二等奖1项;主持制定国家标准及省部级标准各1项.
1.2003/03-2007/12,华中农业大学,食品科学,博士; 2.1993/09-1996/06,华中农业大学,农产品贮藏与加工,硕士; 3.1982/09-1986/06,湖北大学,化学,学士。
1.2014/01-2014/02,澳大利亚DeaKin大学,高级访问学者; 2.1996/07- 至今,捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏下载 食品化学与分子生物学系,教授,博士生导师; 3.1986/07-1993/08,华中橡胶厂,教育科干事。
1.传统食品工业化研发,食品加工与生物保鲜:武汉热干面、鸭脖、鱼面、豆丝、豆豉等传统食品工业化,餐饮业特色菜品工业化,肉制品加工与保鲜,水果及蔬菜加工与保鲜,水产品加工与保鲜,淀粉基食品添加剂,变性淀粉及其在食品中的应用等。 2.农业资源及农业废弃资源综合利用。生物质材料(淀粉基食品包装材料、食品保鲜膜,淀粉玩具,淀粉宠物玩具,生物降解化肥包膜材料,竹纤维基复合材料,油菜秆、棉花杆基建筑装饰材料,防沙治沙液体地膜,生物降解医用材料),纳米材料,淀粉和纤维素化学。 3.纳米技术与食品安全检测(兽药残留、鱼药残留、农药残留等检测)。
1. 十三五国家重点研发项目,生物基食品包装材料关键技术研发与示范,2018YFD0400702,2018.07-2020.12,65万元,在研,分主持; 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471699,基于耗散粒子动力学的淀粉基胶黏剂失稳机制研究,2015/01-2018/12,79万元,结题,骨干; 3.十二五国家科技支撑项目,2012BAD54G01,耐候防霉型竹塑复合材料制造关键技术研究,2012/01-2014/12,36.83万元,已结题,分主持; 4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,2097666,淀粉基食品包装膜的分子模拟与改性,2010/01-2012/12,33万元,已结题,主持; 5.主持 湖北省重点研发项目、湖北省成果转化项目、武汉市重大工业研发项目及企业攻关项目共计10多项;
授权发明专利(部分) 1.熊汉国等 。种酸甜鸭肉制品及其加工方法。国家发明专利, 2014,07,02 2.熊汉国等。一种槟榔休闲食品的制备方法,国家发明专利, 2017,7,02 3.熊汉国等。一种具有牛肉质感的酸辣猪肉制品的制备方法, 国家发明专利,2017,08 4.熊汉国等。一种甜玉米保健饮料及其制备方法, 国家发明专利,2017,09. 5.熊汉国,谢笔钧,张文卉.一种纳米二氧化硅改性淀粉基全生物降解薄膜及制备方法.2010.04,中国发明专利,ZL200510019108.6 6.熊汉国,徐有明,熊舟翼,刘淼,蔡杰,刘华曦.竹纤维基全生物降解材料及制备方法.2011.12,中国发明专利,ZL201010256903.8 学术奖励(部分) 1. 熊汉国等,农业生物质材料的技术开发与应用,湖北省科技厅,科学技术进步三等奖,2012 2.熊汉国等.农业生物质材料的技术开发与应用,武汉市科技局,科学技术进步二等奖,2012 主持 国家标准 林业生物质原料分析方法:淀粉测定;2018.2.6;
代表性论著(部分) 1.Noman Walayat, Zhouyi Xiong**, Hanguo Xiong*, Helena M. Moreno, Qing Li, Asad Nawaz, Zhongli Zhang, Pengkai Wang, Nadia Niaz. The effectiveness of egg white protein and βcyclodextrin during frozen storage: functional, rheological and structural changes in the myofibrillar proteins of Culter alburnus, Food hydrocolloids. 2020.105:1-11. 2. Noman Walayat, Zhouyi Xiong**, Hanguo Xiong*, Helena M. Moreno, Asad Nawaz, Nadia Niaz, Ali Hassan, Chun Hu. Effect of Egg white protein and β-cyclodextrin mixture on structural and functional properties of silver carp myofibrillar proteins during frozen storage, LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2020. (Under review) 3. Noman Walayat, Zhouyi Xiong**, Hanguo Xiong*, Helena M. Moreno, Nadia Niaz, Muhammad Nadeem Ahmad, Ali Hassan, Asad Nawaz, Ishtiaq Ahmad, Peng-Kai Wang. The cryoprotective influence of egg white proteins and xylooligosaccharides mixture on protein oxidation, functional and structural changes in the myofibrillar proteins of fish during frozen storage, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020. (BIOMAC_15302) (In Press) 4. Nawaz, A., Xiong, Z., Li, Q., Xiong, H., Lei, C., Wang, P. & Regenstein, J. (2019). Effect of wheat flour replacement with potato powder on dough rheology, physio-chemical and microstructural properties of instant noodles. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43, 1-9. 5. Nawaz, A., Xiong, Z., Xiong, Wang, K., Lei, C., Irshad, S., and Regenstein J. (2019) Evaluation of physicochemical, textural and sensory quality characteristics of red fish meat‐based fried snacks. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99, 5771-5777. 6. Nawaz, A., Li, E., Irshad, S., Xiong, H., Xiong, Z., Shehbaz, H., Siddiqui, F., (2020) Valorization of fish waste: challenges and technical concerns to food industry: A review, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 99, 34-43 7. Nawaz, A., Irshad, S., Hoseinifar, S. H., & Xiong, H. (2018). The functionality of prebiotics as immunostimulant: evidences from trials on terrestrial and aquatic animals. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 76, 272-278 8Jie Cai, Zhouyi Xiong, Man Zhou, Jun Tan, Fanbing Zeng, Meihu Ma, Shun Lin, Hanguo Xiong*. Thermal properties and crystallization behavior of thermoplastic starch/poly(ε-caprolactone) composites. Carbohydrate Ploymers, 2014, 102: 746-754 9Jie Cai, Peng Fei, Zhouyi Xiong, Yongjun Shi, Kou Yan, Hanguo Xiong *, Surface acetylation of bamboo cellulose: preparation and rheological properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92(1): 11-18 10Zhanlong Wan, Zhouyi, Xiong, HeLin Ren, Yuanyuan Huang, Huaxi Liu, Hanguo Xiong*, Youqian Wu, Jin Han, Graft copolymerization of methyl methacrylate onto bamboo cellulose under microwave irradiation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 83 (1): 264-268, 2011 11Hanguo Xiong, Tang ShanWen, Tang HuaLi, Zou Peng. The structure and properties of a starch-based biodegradable film. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 71(2): 263-268 12.Lei Chen#, Zhenjiong Wang#, Jie Cai*, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhouyi Xiong, Zia-ud Din, Chun Hu, Asad Nawaz, A combination of coarse-grain molecular dynamics to investigate the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on grafted reaction of starch-based adhesive, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 21820-29 13.Lei Chen, Zhouyi Xion*, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang, Zia-ud Din, Asad Nawaz, Pengkai Wang, Chun Hu. Effects of nano-TiO2 on bonding performance, structural stability and film-forming properties of starch-g-VAc based wood adhesive. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 200 (51):477-486 14.Lei Chen, Zhouyi Xiong*, Qing Li, Zia-ud Din, Hanguo Xiong*, Sodium dodecyl sulfate improves the properties of bio-based wood adhesive derived from micronized starch: Microstructure and rheological behaviors. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 140:1026-1036 15.Lei Chen, Yajie Wang, Zia-ud-Din, Peng Fei, Wensi Jin, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang**, Enhancing the performance of starch-based wood adhesive by silane coupling agent(KH570),Intern6.Lei Chen, Zhouyi Xiong*, Zia-ud Din, Asad Nawaz, Hanguo Xiong*, Interfacial improvement by sodium dodecylsulfate in starch at high concentration as revealed by experiments and molecular simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquid. 2020, 310: 113190(1-5) 17 Zia-ud-Din, Lei Chen, Hanguo Xiong, Zhenjiong Wang, Zhouyi Xiong, Ikram Ullah, Weiwei Lei, Dean Shi, Mukhtar Alam, Hidayat Ullah. (2020). Starch: An undisputed potential candidate and renewable resource for the development of wood adhesive. Starch, 72, 1900276 (I.F.= 1.79) 18Zia-ud-Din, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang**, Ikram Ullah, Lei Chen. (2019). Effects of sucrose fatty acid esters on the structural, rheological and retrogradation behavior of high amylose starch-based wood adhesive. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 89, 51-58. (I.F.= 2.50) 19Zia-ud-Din, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang**, Ikram Ullah, Fei Peng, Lei Chen, Naveed Ahmad. (2018). Effects of different emulsifiers on the bonding performance, freeze-thaw stability and retrogradation behavior of the resulting high amylose starch-based wood adhesive. Colloid and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 538, 192-201. (I.F= 3.13) 20Zia-ud-Din, Lei Chen, Ikram Ullah, Allah Bakhsh Javaid, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang**(2018). Synthesis and characterization of starch-g-poly(vinyl acetate-co-butyl acrylate) bio-based wood adhesive derived from corn starch. International journal of Biological 21Zia-ud-Din, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang**, Peng Fei, Ikram Ullah, Allah Bakhsh Javaid, Yajie Wang, Wensi Jin, Lei Chen. (2017). Effects of sucrose fatty acid esters on the stability and bonding performance of high amylose starch-based wood adhesive. International journal of Biological Macromolecules, 104, 846-853. (I.F= 4.78)
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地址:中国·湖北·武汉南湖狮子山街一号华中农业大学 邮编:430070