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李斌,中共党员,博士、二级岗教授、博士生导师,现任华中农业大学研究生院常务副院长。长期从事胶体物性与营养学领域的研究和教学工作,主要在食品碳水化合物、食品胶体营养学、食品组分组装行为及机制、营养素稳态化及递送、植物蛋白肉等领域开展了持续的研究。主持承担有国家重点研发计划、国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”项目、湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目、湖北省杰出青年基金、湖北省技术创新专项重大项目、湖北省重点自然科学基金、湖北省农业公益性项目、三峡移民科技项目、教育部博士点基金等纵向课题30余项,以及横向课题20余项。申请专利40余项,20余项获得授权,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文150余篇。主持和参与获得国家科技进步二等奖、湖北省科技进步一等奖、教育部自然科学二等奖、湖北省自然科学二等奖、湖北省教学成果一等奖等。入选第四批国家特支计划科技创新领军人才、科技部创新人才推进计划、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,是霍英东教育基金会第18届高等院校教育教学奖一等奖、湖北省教学名师、霍英东基金高等院校青年教师奖获得者。 担任国务院学位委员会食品科学与工程学科评议组成员,教育部高等学校食品科学与工程类专业教指委委员,环境食品学教育部重点实验室常务副主任,湖北省大宗农产品加工产业技术创新基地主任,湖北省功能食品工程技术研究中心主任,中国魔芋协会副会长,《华中农业大学学报》副主编,《Food Safety and Health》、《Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre》、《食品科学》、《食品安全质量检测学报》等杂志编委。


1990-09~1994-06 华中农业大学食品科学专业本科 学士
1994-06~2002-06 华中农业大学食品科技系 助教
1997-09~2002-06 华中农业大学农产品贮藏加工工程硕博连读 博士
2014-10~2014-11 美国罗格斯大学 访问学者
2016-12~2017-07 美国普渡大学 高级访问学者


2002-07~2003-12 捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏下载 讲师
2002-07~2003-08 甘肃省武威市凉州区副区长(中组部博士服务团)
2004-01~2008-12 捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏下载 副教授
2009-01~ 捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏下载 教授




1. 魔芋葡甘聚糖胶体物理营养学 2019.09
2. 2019年万人计划科技创新领军人才 2019.08
3. 魔芋制品生产技术研究 2019.01
4. 魔芋代餐粉加工技术委托协议 2018.12
5. 竹盐新产品委托开发协议 2018.11
6. 31772015魔芋葡甘聚糖胶体特性精细调控及其与饱腹感的数学相关性 2018.01
7. 2016年度武汉市“黄鹤英才(科技)计划” 2017.07
8. 魔芋新型营养健康食品制造关键技术研究 2017.07
9. 食品多组分互作构建功能因子输送载体 2017.07
10. 以魔芋为原料的新型增稠剂乳化剂和配料制造技术研究及新产品开发 2016.07
11. 魔芋飞粉改性材料生产关键技术研发 2016.04
12. 可用于有机食品的投入品乳剂加工技术规范 2016.01
13. 魔芋贮运加工基础 2015.09
14. 湖北省魔芋产业发展规划 2015.01
15. 魔芋洁肤棉功能化技术研发 2015.01
16. 脱乙酰魔芋葡甘聚糖独特低温加工特性及机制研究 2014.01
17. 禽蛋高效清洁、分级及加工贮运技术研究与示范 2013.08
18. 绿色魔芋食品精深加工关键技术研发与产业化合作 2013.01
19. 魔芋粉品质提升技术委托开发协议 2013.01
20.鳝鱼深加工技术委托开发协议 2013.01
21. 魔芋高吸水性纤维及应用 2013.01
22. 食品化学研究与天然配料创新 2013.01
23. 魔芋葡甘聚糖脂肪模拟物高效制备机理及应用基础研究 2012.01
24. 湖北省大宗农产品加工产业创新基地 2011.05
25. 典型性味食物对不同环境下大鼠肠道菌群组成结构和炎症因子的影响 2011.05
26. 乙酰基对魔芋葡甘聚糖溶胶-凝胶行为的影响及其疏水调控作用 2011.01
27. 魔芋中试技术研究 2011.01
28. 区域优势特色有机产品认证关键技术研究与示范
29. 富含魔芋甘露寡糖酵母培养物的开发
30. 铁锰复合氧化物的新型固定化及其吸附除砷研究
31. 魔芋新品种选育及疾病绿色综防立体配套技术研究
32. 魔芋综合开发技术集成研究与产业化示范(参与)
33. 蛋制品加工技术研发与产业化示范
34. 魔芋无硫加工技术装备一体化研究与开发


1. Zhou, P., Eid, M., Xiong W., Ren C., Ai T., Deng Z., ... & Li, B*. (2020). Comparative study between cold and hot water extracted polysaccharides from Plantago ovata seed husk by using rheological methods. Food Hydrocolloids, 101, 105465.
2. Zhan, F., Hu, J., He, C., Sun, J., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2020). Complexation between sodium caseinate and gallic acid: Effects on foam properties and interfacial properties of foam. Food Hydrocolloids, 99, 105365.
3. Xiong, W., Deng, Q., Li, J*., Li, B., & Zhong, Q*. (2020). Ovalbumin-carboxymethylcellulose complex coacervates stabilized high internal phase emulsions: Comparison of the effects of pH and polysaccharide charge density. Food Hydrocolloids, 98, 105282.
4. Dun, H., Liang, H., Zhan, F., Wei, X., Chen, Y., Wan, J., ... & Li, B*. (2020). Influence of O/W emulsion on gelatinization and retrogradation properties of rice starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 103, 105652.
5. Ai, T., Shang, L., He, C., Teng, Y., Ren, C., Zhou, P., ... & Li, B*. (2019). Development of multi-layered gastric floating tablets based on konjac glucomannan: a modified calcium supplement with enhanced bioavailability. Food & function, 10(10), 6429-6437.
6. He, Y., Wang, S., Li, J., Liang, H., Wei, X., Peng, D., ... & Li, B*. (2019). Interaction between konjac glucomannan and tannic acid: Effect of molecular weight, pH and temperature. Food Hydrocolloids, 94, 451-458.
7. Wei, X., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2019). Multiple steps and critical behaviors of the binding of tannic acid to wheat starch: Effect of the concentration of wheat starch and the mass ratio of tannic acid to wheat starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 94, 174-182.
8. Xiong, W., Li, J., Li, B*., & Wang, L*. (2019). Physicochemical properties and interfacial dilatational rheological behavior at air-water interface of high intensity ultrasound modified ovalbumin: Effect of ionic strength. Food Hydrocolloids, 97, 105210.
9. Xiong, W., Ren, C., Xu, X., Li, J., Wang, L., & Li, B*. (2019). Thermally induced gelation behavior and fractal analysis of ovalbumin-carboxymethylcellulose electrostatic complexes. Food hydrocolloids, 91, 214-223.
10. Hu, Y., Tian, J., Zou, J., Yuan, X., Li, J., Liang, H., ... & Li, B*. (2019). Partial removal of acetyl groups in konjac glucomannan significantly improved the rheological properties and texture of konjac glucomannan and kappa-carrageenan blends. International journal of biological macromolecules, 123, 1165-1171.
11. Zou, J., Xu, M., Tian, J., & Li, B*. (2019). Impact of continuous and repeated dry heating treatments on the physicochemical and structural properties of waxy corn starch. International journal of biological macromolecules, 135, 379-385.
12. Ren, C., Xiong, W., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2019). Comparison of binding interactions of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside to beta-conglycinin and glycinin using multi-spectroscopic and thermodynamic methods. Food Hydrocolloids, 92, 155-162.
13. Ren, C., Xiong, W., & Li, B*. (2019). Binding interaction between beta-conglycinin/glycinin and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside in acidic media assessed by multi-spectroscopic and thermodynamic techniques. International journal of biological macromolecules, 137, 366-373.
14. Zhan, F., Li, J., Shi, M., Wu, D., & Li, B*. (2019). Foaming Properties and Linear and Nonlinear Surface Dilatational Rheology of Sodium Caseinate, Tannin Acid, and Octenyl Succinate Starch Ternary Complex. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 67(8), 2340-2349.
15. Sobhy, R., Eid, M., Zhan, F., Liang, H., & Li, B*. (2019). Toward understanding the in vitro anti-amylolytic effects of three structurally different phytosterols in an aqueous medium using multispectral and molecular docking studies. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 283, 225-234.
16. Sobhy, R., Zhan, F., Mekawi, E., Khalifa, I., Liang, H., & Li, B*. (2019). The noncovalent conjugations of bovine serum albumin with three structurally different phytosterols exerted antiglycation effects: A study with AGEs-inhibition, multispectral, and docking investigations. Bioorganic Chemistry, 103478.
17. Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Kim, E., Li, B*., & Payne, G. F. (2019). Electrochemical reverse engineering to probe for drug-phenol redox interactions. Electrochimica Acta, 295, 742-750.
18. Pei, Y., Wan, J., You, M., McClements, D., Li, Y., & Li, B*. (2019). Impact of whey protein complexation with phytic acid on its emulsification and stabilization properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 87, 90-96.
19. Ren, C., Xiong, W., Peng, D., He, Y., Zhou, P., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2018). Effects of thermal sterilization on soy protein isolate/polyphenol complexes: Aspects of structure, in vitro digestibility and antioxidant activity. Food Research International, 112, 284-290.
20. Xu, W., Jin, W., Huang, K., Huang, L., Lou, Y., Li, J., ... & Li, B*. (2018). Interfacial and emulsion stabilized behavior of lysozyme/xanthan gum nanoparticles. International journal of biological macromolecules, 117, 280-286.
21. Xiong, W., Ren, C., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2018). Characterization and interfacial rheological properties of nanoparticles prepared by heat treatment of ovalbumin-carboxymethylcellulose complexes. Food Hydrocolloids, 82, 355-362.
22. Zhan, F., Li, J., Wang, Y., Shi, M., Li, B*., & Sheng, F. (2018). Bulk, foam, and interfacial properties of tannic acid/sodium caseinate nanocomplexes. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 66(26), 6832-6839.
23. Liang, H., Zhou, B., Li, J., Liu, X., Deng, Z., & Li, B*. (2018). Engineering Multifunctional Coatings on Nanoparticles Based on Oxidative Coupling Assembly of Polyphenols for Stimuli-Responsive Drug Delivery. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 66(26), 6897-6905.
24. Xiong, W., Ren, C., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2018). Enhancing the photostability and bioaccessibility of resveratrol using ovalbumin–carboxymethylcellulose nanocomplexes and nanoparticles. Food & function, 9(7), 3788-3797.
25. Xiong, W., Ren, C., Tian, M., Yang, X., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2018). Emulsion stability and dilatational viscoelasticity of ovalbumin/chitosan complexes at the oil-in-water interface. Food chemistry, 252, 181-188.
26. Zhan, F., Yang, J., Li, J., Wang, Y., & Li, B*. (2018). Characteristics of the interaction mechanism between tannic acid and sodium caseinate using multispectroscopic and thermodynamics methods. Food Hydrocolloids, 75, 81-87.
27. Peng, D., Yang, J., Li, J., Tang, C., & Li, B*. (2017). Foams Stabilized by β-Lactoglobulin Amyloid Fibrils: Effect of pH. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 65(48), 10658-10665.
28. Xiong, W., Ren, C., Tian, M., Yang, X., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2017). Complex coacervation of ovalbumin-carboxymethylcellulose assessed by isothermal titration calorimeter and rheology: Effect of ionic strength and charge density of polysaccharide. Food Hydrocolloids, 73, 41-50.
29. Peng, D., Jin, W., Li, J., Xiong, W., Pei, Y., Wang, Y., ... & Li, B*. (2017). Adsorption and distribution of edible gliadin nanoparticles at the air/water interface. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 65(11), 2454-2460.
30. Jin, W., Zhu, J., Jiang, Y., Shao, P., Li, B*., & Huang, Q. (2017). Gelatin-based nanocomplex-stabilized Pickering emulsions: Regulating droplet size and wettability through assembly with glucomannan. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 65(7), 1401-1409.
31. Wang, Y., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2017). Chitin microspheres: A fascinating material with high loading capacity of anthocyanins for colon specific delivery. Food hydrocolloids, 63, 293-300.
32. Tian, J., Xu, S., Deng, H., Song, X., Li, X., Chen, J., ... & Li, B*. (2017). Fabrication of self-assembled chitosan-dispersed LDL nanoparticles for drug delivery with a one-step green method. International journal of pharmaceutics, 517(1-2), 25-34.
33. Jin, W., Ge, H., Wang, Y., Du, X., & Li, B*. (2016). Molecular migration of konjac glucomannan and gum Arabic phase separation and its application in oil-water interfaces. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 868-876.
34. Tian, J., Tu, H., Shi, X., Wang, X., Deng, H., Li, B*.,& Du, Y. (2016). Antimicrobial application of nanofibrous mats self-assembled with chitosan and epigallocatechingallate. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 145, 643-652.
35. Xu, W., Li, Z., Jin, W., Li, P., Li, Y., Liang, H., ... & Li, B*. (2016). Structural and rheological properties of xanthan gum/lysozyme system induced by in situ acidification. Food Research International, 90, 85-90.
36. Xiong, W., Ren, C., Jin, W., Tian, J., Wang, Y., Shah, B. R., ... & Li, B*. (2016). Ovalbumin-chitosan complex coacervation: Phase behavior, thermodynamic and rheological properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 895-902. 12.
37. Shah, B. R., Zhang, C., Li, Y., & Li, B*. (2016). Bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of curcumin after encapsulated by nano and Pickering emulsion based on chitosan-tripolyphosphate nanoparticles. Food Research International, 89, 399-407.
38. Ye, S., Jin, W., Huang, Q., Hu, Y., Li, Y., &Li, B*. (2016). KGM-based magnetic carbon aerogels matrix for the uptake of methylene blue and methyl orange. International journal of biological macromolecules, 92, 1169-1174.
39. Wang, Y., Li, J., & Li, B*. (2016). Nature-Inspired One-Step Green Procedure for Enhancing the Antibacterial and Antioxidant Behavior of a Chitin Film: Controlled Interfacial Assembly of Tannic Acid onto a Chitin Film. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 64(28), 5736-5741.
40. Xiong, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Wan, J., Shah, B. R., Pei, Y., ... & Li, B*. (2016). High intensity ultrasound modified ovalbumin: structure, interface and gelation properties. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 31, 302-309.
41. Ye, S., Jin, W., Huang, Q., Hu, Y., Shah, B. R., Li, Y., &Li, B*. (2016). Development of Mag-FMBO in clay-reinforced KGM aerogels for arsenite removal. International journal of biological macromolecules, 87, 77-84.



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地址:中国·湖北·武汉南湖狮子山街一号华中农业大学  邮编:430070


