齐小保,中共党员,主要从事食品微生物,发酵风味,食品安全,食品防腐及天然防腐剂抗菌肽的开发等研究。承担过国家863项目,国家科技支撑计划和自主创新等项目,发表SCI论文十余篇。担任Applied Physics A和Journal of Nanobiotechnology 等杂志审稿人。
2002/9-2005/7 中国疾病预防控制中心,传染预防控制所,获病原生物学博士学位1994/9-1997/7 华中农业大学, 植保系, 获理学硕士1990/9-1994/7 武汉大学, 生物系, 获理学学士
2005年8月至今,捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏下载 ,任教。主要从事食源性病原菌的致病机理的研究和预防措施的研发。2007年12月-2009年12月,新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究。1997年-2002年8月于武汉市卫生防疫站微生物检验科从事病原微生物检验。
①2005-2006 主持华中农业大学校人才基金“PFGE技术的建立及在大肠杆菌O157:H7分型中的应用”,3万元;②2007-2009 在新加坡南洋理工大学主要从事新加坡环境局重大课题“Novel silver Nanopartice/Multi-walled carbon nanotube nanohybrid coating for disinfection of drinking water treatment”,100万新币,主要承担抗性物质的合成及机理研究;③2008-2010参与国家863计划“玉米活性肽的特定酶解与在线膜分离集成技术” ,项目编号:2008AA10Z314,50万,主要承担玉米活性肽的特性研究;④2011-2012 主持华中农业大学自主科技创新基金项目“一种新型超强抗菌纳米材料的研制及在水处理中应用” 项目编号:2010QC019, 5万元。⑤2012-2013主持出国留学基金一项“基于抗菌肽和碳纳米管聚氨酯粒子的制备及其抗菌机理的研究”,3万元。⑥2012-2014参加王清章教授主持的项目“水生蔬菜加工与保鲜示范工程项目”。
代表性论文:1.Xiaobao,Qi, Xu, Huanhuan, Liu, Wukang, Guo, ailing*. Development of A Rapid FLISA Detection of Salmonella spp Based on CdTe/ZnS Quantum Dots. Journal of Food Safety, 2020,DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12830. 2.Junying Zhou,Ailing Guo and Xiaobao Qi*Cell envelope disruption of E. coli exposed to e-polylysine by FESEM and TEM technology,The Journal of Scanning Microscopies,2013 35(6):412-417; 3.Xiaobao Qi, Gunawan, P., Xu, R., Chang, M. W.*, Cefalexin-immobilized multi-walled carbon nanotubes show strong antimicrobial and anti-adhesion properties. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012, 84:552-556。4.Xiaobao Qi, Gunawan Poernomo Kean Wang, Yuan Chen, Mary B. Chan-Park, Rong Xu, and Matthew Wook Chang*. Covalent immobilization of nisin on multi-walled carbon nanotubes: superior antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties, Nanoscale, 2011,3:1874-1880;(IF,5.9)5. Xiaobao Qi, Chucai Zhou,Peng Li,Weixin Xu,Ye Cao,Hua Ling, Wei Ning Chen,Chang Ming Li,Rong Xu, Mouad Lamrani, Yuguang Mu, Susanna Su Jan Leong, Matthew Wook Chang,Mary Chan-Park, Novel short antibacterial and antifungal peptides with low cytotoxicity: efficacy and action mechanisms, Biochemical and biophysical Research Communications,2010,398(3):594-600;(IF,2.54) 6.Junying Zhou and Xiaobao Qi*,Multi-walled Carbon nanotubes/epilson-polylysine nanocomposite with enhanced antibacterial activity,Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2011.52(1):76-83; (IF, 1.62) 7. Peng Li,Yin Fun Poon, Weifeng Li,Hong-Yuan Zhu,Siew Hooi,Ye Cao,Xiaobao Qi, Chuncai Zhou,Roger W. Beuerman,Yuguang Mu,Chang Ming Li,Matthew W. Chang,Susanna Su Jan Leong,Mary B. Chan-Park. A polycationic antimicrobial and biocompatible hydrogel with microbe membrane suctioning ability. Nature Materials,2011,10:149-156;(IF, 29.897) 8. Chuncai Zhou, Xiaobao Qi, Peng Li, Wei Ning Chen, Lamrani Mouad, Matthew W. Chang, Susanna Su Jan Leong* and Mary B. Chan-Park*, High Potency and Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Peptides Synthesized via Ring-Opening Polymerization of α-Aminoacid-N-carboxyanhydrides,Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11 (1): 60–67;(IF, 5.325) 9. Hua Ling , Kang A, Tan MH, Xiaobao Qi, Matthew W. Chang*. The absence of the luxS gene increases swimming motility and flagella synthesis in Escherichia coli K12.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010, 401(4):521-526; (IF, 2.54) 10. Wei Yuan, Guohua Jiang, Jianfei Che, Xiaobao Qi, Rong Xu, Matthew W. Chang, Yuan Chen, Su Yin Lim, Jie Dai and Mary B. Chan-Park,Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Grafted with Hyperbranched Poly(amidoamine) and Their Antimicrobial Effects,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112 (48):18754–18759;(IF,3.396)11. Zhou C, Peng L, Xiaobao Qi, Lamrani M, Chang MW, Leong SS, Chan-Park MB Antimicrobial hydrogels prepared from methacrylated Epsilon-Poly-L-Lysine. Biomaterials. 2011.32:2704-2712.(IF,7.88)12.Xiaobao,Qi,Jianguo,Xu,The Truncated Gene cfaD
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